
Aug. 20, 2007
UK International's UltraCases have been long relied upon to protect valuable equipment under the most difficult conditions. UK has improved upon this classic, making the UltraCase more durable, attractive, and affordable. Now demanding law enforcement professionals can have the best protection for their gear -- from guns, emergency gear, safety equipment, and other travel-sensitive items. Made out of UKtekmat 1.0TM, UK's proprietary non-corroding engineering grade ABS plastic construction, along with a stainless-steel hinge pin reinforced for extra strength, the new UltraCase is virtually indestructible and incredibly durable. With its tough exterior, a rigid wall, and an O-ring sealed case, the UltraCase is impact resistant and hard to dent and scratch. The UltraCases can be purchased through authorized UK International dealers. For more information visit the UK International website at http://www.ukinternational.com, or contact UK International directly for the nearest sales representative at 800-852-7483 or [email protected].

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An East Baton Rogue Parish sheriff's deputy was helping with traffic control at an intersection several blocks from the Superdome, and a suspect was arrested in the incident.
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
Thurston County, WA, Sheriff's Office | Jacksonville, FL, Sheriff's Office | Officer.com News
One suspect ended a chase with Washington deputies by swigging vodka. Another suspect finished his foot pursuit out of exhaustion while trying to outrace a Florida deputy on horseback. Plus other police headlines.